தமிழகத்தில் செயல்பட்டு வரும் 68 அரசு கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரிகளில் 882 வகுப்பறைகள் மற்றும் 172 ஆய்வக கட்டிடங்கள் கட்டுவதற்கு ரூ.210 கோடிக்கு நிர்வாக ஒப்புதல் அளிக்கப்படுகிறது. அதன்படி, நடப்பு நிதி ஆண்டில் (2017-18) 24 கல்லூரிகளில் ரூ.105 கோடியே 39 லட்சம் செலவிலும், அடுத்த நிதி ஆண்டில் (2018-19) 44 கல்லூரிகளில் ரூ.104 கோடியே 61 லட்சம் செலவிலும் பணிகள் மேற்கொள்ளப் படும். இவ்வாறு அந்த அரசாணையில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.
தமிழகத்தில் செயல்பட்டு வரும் 68 அரசு கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரிகளில் 882 வகுப்பறைகள் மற்றும் 172 ஆய்வக கட்டிடங்கள் கட்டுவதற்கு ரூ.210 கோடிக்கு நிர்வாக ஒப்புதல் அளிக்கப்படுகிறது. அதன்படி, நடப்பு நிதி ஆண்டில் (2017-18) 24 கல்லூரிகளில் ரூ.105 கோடியே 39 லட்சம் செலவிலும், அடுத்த நிதி ஆண்டில் (2018-19) 44 கல்லூரிகளில் ரூ.104 கோடியே 61 லட்சம் செலவிலும் பணிகள் மேற்கொள்ளப் படும். இவ்வாறு அந்த அரசாணையில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.
முதலில் உதவி பேராசிரியர் பணியிடத்திற்கான அறிவிப்பை வெளியிடுங்கள். பின்னர் கட்டிடங்களை கட்டிக் கொள்ளலாம்.
ReplyDeleteAssistant professor selection on which basis ? Either exam or interview . Kindly clarify
ReplyDeleteBased on exam,prepare for Polytechnic syllabus.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNet/set exemption only for phd..not for mphil..so dont wrong information..
DeleteNet/set exemption only for phd..not for mphil..so dont wrong information..
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehelo mr what is 2009 ugc regulation..?
Deletehelo mr what is 2009 ugc regulation..?
Deletesikkim notification minimum qualification la what r mentioned?see it..athula net/slet/set/ phd iruku..yen mphil ila..? exemption fulfilment condion la phd irukuthan iruku mr..mphil only experience counting before 2009..
ReplyDeletesikkim notification minimum qualification la what r mentioned?see it..athula net/slet/set/ phd iruku..yen mphil ila..? exemption fulfilment condion la phd irukuthan iruku mr..mphil only experience counting before 2009..
ReplyDeleteGovernment of West Bengal
ReplyDeleteDepartment of Higher Education
Science & Technology and Biotechnology
Bikash Bhavan: 6'n Floor: Salt Lake: Kolkata- 700091
Memo. No.222 (20)-Edn (u/tu-031r7 (pt) Dated: 02nd March2017
From: Siladitya Basuray, WBCS (Executive)
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
To: Hon'ble Vice Chancellor. University (all)
Subject: Recruitment to sanctioned and vacant teaching posts: applicability
of UGC Regulations 2016
Madam/ Sir,
Kindly refer to the advisory issued by this Department vide no.216 - Edn
(IJ)llU-03117 (Pt.) dated ll3l20l7 that any fresh advertisements for direct
recruitment of teaching staff be made on the basis of the UGC Resulations
(Fourth Amendm ent), 2016.
Queries have been received from some Universities on the applicability of
the latest UGC Regulations (Fourth Amendment), 2016 in situations where the
advertisement for the recruitment process was made prior to the issuance of the
UGC Regulations (Fourth Amendment), 2016.
In this connection, for the guidance of all concerned. I am directed to
circulate a copy of the Secretary, UGC's D.o. number F.l- 1221 2016 (vlp/ps)
dated 30th August 2016 on the subject, the contents of which are selfexplanatory.
Enclosure: As stated
l"{885, l{5 {Orrho}, DSM, FAl5, tt5$, tAFS}d, fFtfies, FAM5
Univereity Grunlr (ommissian
Government of West Bengal
ReplyDeleteDepartment of Higher Education
Science & Technology and Biotechnology
Bikash Bhavan: 6'n Floor: Salt Lake: Kolkata- 700091
Memo. No.222 (20)-Edn (u/tu-031r7 (pt) Dated: 02nd March2017
From: Siladitya Basuray, WBCS (Executive)
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
To: Hon'ble Vice Chancellor. University (all)
Subject: Recruitment to sanctioned and vacant teaching posts: applicability
of UGC Regulations 2016
Madam/ Sir,
Kindly refer to the advisory issued by this Department vide no.216 - Edn
(IJ)llU-03117 (Pt.) dated ll3l20l7 that any fresh advertisements for direct
recruitment of teaching staff be made on the basis of the UGC Resulations
(Fourth Amendm ent), 2016.
Queries have been received from some Universities on the applicability of
the latest UGC Regulations (Fourth Amendment), 2016 in situations where the
advertisement for the recruitment process was made prior to the issuance of the
UGC Regulations (Fourth Amendment), 2016.
In this connection, for the guidance of all concerned. I am directed to
circulate a copy of the Secretary, UGC's D.o. number F.l- 1221 2016 (vlp/ps)
dated 30th August 2016 on the subject, the contents of which are selfexplanatory.
Enclosure: As stated
l"{885, l{5 {Orrho}, DSM, FAl5, tt5$, tAFS}d, fFtfies, FAM5
Univereity Grunlr (ommissian
(Ministry o{ hlumsn rre Devdopmunt,6o*" of lndin}
Rohadur 5trsh lqfrr hlnrg, fltrw $sfhi-ll000l
Ph., 0I l,?3?39337, ?3236?8$,
foi : 0i'[-23?3SS5&,ornail, iss*ndha.ugr nicix
D O No F.1-12 016(V|P/PS) 30'n August, 2016
Sub.. Applicability of UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Teachers and other
Academic Staff in Universities and eolleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of the
Standards of Higher Education, 2010 and their endrnents issued from time to time
Dear SirlMadam,
The UGC Regulations on Minimurn Qualifications for Teachers and other Academic Staff in
Untversities and Colleges and othe.r Measures for the Maintenance of the Standerds of Higher
Education, 2010 were notified on 18th September, 20'10, Thereafter, Amendments to these prinJipal
Regulations have been issued from time to time which are effective from the date of their notification
in the Gazette of India.
The UGC is receiving queries from various Universities regarding applicability of the UGC principat
Regulations, 20'10 and thelr Amendments in the cases of Direct Recruitment of Teachers and other
Academic Staff for the posts advertised prior to issuance of these Arnendrnents,
Direct Recruitment shatl be governed by the
Teachers and other Academic Staff in Un*versities and Colleges and other Measure' for the
Maintenance of the Standards of Higher Education, 2010 alongwith their Amendments notified at
the time of issuance of the advertisement and subject to the following conditions:-
1. The University concerned has foll eCihe UGC Regulations on Minimum eualifications for
Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the
Maintenance of the Standards of Higher Education, 2010 alongwith their Amendments
notified at the time of issuance of the adveftisement.
2, The advertisement for the post(s) was published before the notification of the subsequent
3. Due selection criteria / process as prescribed in the UGC Regulations and their
Amendments, in operation on the date of advertisemenl, was foll ed. 4, No rnodification was made subsequently in the originat advertisement.
With kind regards,
The Vice-Chancellor of all Universities.
Copy to :
Publication Officer, UGC
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