4 முதல் 9ம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்களுக்கு Spoken English பயிற்சி - ஆசிரியர்களுக்கான பயிற்சி குறித்து SCERT இயக்குநரின் செயல்முறைகள்!
SCERT - Spoken English - Selection of KRPS for Spoken English through Online Test to act as KRPs at District Level.
Dear HM's,
SCERT has initiated a Spoken English Program for *teachers handling 4-9 th classes*.An online link has been attached herewith.You are requested to share the link to *all the teachers handling classes 4-9 .The test would take only 30 minutes. They must take up the test before *22.5.2022( by 2.00 p.m)*
Thank you
MIRTHIKA COACHING CENTRE.. TV MALAI...UG TRB ENGLISH study materials available for tet paper 2 passed candidates.10 B00ks for 10 units..materials will be sent by courier...2000 pages.... 1200 questions free... the best study materials ever produced in the state... contact 7010520979.